Step Three of Building a Life-first Business Plan: How to Approach Goal Setting & Goal Achievement if You Want a Life-first Business - Episode 05


In this episode I'm delving into step 3 of building a Life-first Business Plan: Setting Strategic and Spacious Goals and how to approach goal setting and goal achievement if you want a Life-first Business.

There's still time to join my  4-Week business planning course 100% FREE, specifically for solopreneur service providers, teaching you the exact steps to get complete clarity on your Life-first Business Plan, so you can make 2024 your most easeful and joyful year in business yet!

Head to this link to Sign Up for FREE


6 Key Things I Would Prioritise if I Could Go Back to Year 2 of My Service Based Business - Episode 06


Step Two of Building a Life-first Business Plan: Mastering your Mindset for More Freedom and Success - Episode 04